Last Tuesday was the most stressful day of my entire life. I had tickets to see my favourite band in existence. I had been waiting fifteen years to get the opportunity and finally it was time. I was adamant that I had to be one of the first people to get to the stadium. There was no chance that I wasn’t going to have a front row position.
The day of the concert came and I had planned my work out in a certain way so I’d be able to finish two hours early. I knew if I finished at my usual time I’d be caught up in a whole heap of peak hour traffic, plus I’d be stuck among thousands of other concert goers who were also driving in. To make my plan possible I decided to start an hour early and skip lunch. All was going well until my boss decided to hold a meeting at 4.30pm. This infuriated me. I wanted to allow time to get to the gig without the stress of my car breaking down or something going wrong.
After my meeting I rushed to the gig. Guess what happened? My car broke down. From a day of everything running smoothly, I suddenly found myself needing a diesel repair, fast! No mechanic was going to be able to get this repair done before the concert. If I didn’t have that last minute meeting, I would’ve had a better chance to sort it all. Sadly, I had to ditch my car and jump on transport to get to the concert. I tried to not think about the car while the gig was on, but sadly it consumed my mind.
I couldn’t stop thinking about where to find a mechanic. Raceview is full of mechanics, but do mechanics even work with diesel anymore? What makes it worse is I don’t know what’s gone wrong. This concert was nothing like I expected. I wish I had decided to catch transport from the start, then I wouldn’t have even known about the car!